Balloon Hovercraft!

Balloon photo

Today I witnessed something that makes so much sense, but never before occurred to me. In our Science class we were instructed to undertake a number of science activities, this balloon hovercraft activity (see picture above) being one of them.

We had a CD, that had the top of a drink bottle tightly glued to it, and what we did was blow up a balloon, and place the inflated balloon over the top of the drink bottle, then turn the lid into open position and release the balloon, TA DA! we have a balloon hovercraft.

We have spent a bit of time in class now learning about matter, one of the questions in this activity was, what are 5 things we know about gases, and this is what we have found:

  1. You can not see it
  2. It has no shape
  3. It takes up the volume of its container
  4. It vibrates quickly and the particles move past each other
  5. Gas can be transformed into a liquid(condensation), formed from a liquid (evaporation), and turned into a solid (sublimation) and formed from a
    solid (deposition)

If watching a balloon hovercraft was this exciting for me, imagine how exciting it will be for my kids, and the kids in my future centre!

See our balloon hovercraft video here:

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